Réunion annuelle PsyCare
Scientific presentations (open to all PsyCARE participants; Grand Amphithéâtre GHU Paris)
- 09:50 - 10:00
- Remind of objectives of the PsyCARE project and main events during the second year
MO Krebs (GHU Paris/Univ Paris/Inserm)
Description and achievement of each workpackage
- 10:00 - 10:15
- WP1
- Identifying biological markers for guiding therapeutic interventions
O. Kébir (GHU Paris/Inserm)
- 10:15 - 10:30
- WP2
- Identifying imaging markers for guiding therapeutic interventions
R. Jardri (CHRU Lille)
- 10:30 - 10:45
- WP3
- Using novel digital tools for clinical and cognitive phenotyping
J. Charlet (Sorbonne Univ)
- 10:45 - 11:00
- WP4
- Predicting transition with machine learning and neurimaging
E. Duchesnay (CEA)
- 11:00 - 11:15
- WP5
- Implementing the PsyCARE platform
P. Boutinaud (Fealix)
- 11:15 - 11:30
- WP6
- Digital intervention tools for better cognition and promotion of engagement
E. Chevallier (Apycare), L. Soriels (GHU Paris)
- 11:30 - 11:45
- WP7
- Validating the effect of personalized treatment strategies on functional outcome in early psychosis
MO Krebs (GHU Paris/Univ Paris/Inserm)
- 11h45 - 12h00
- WP8
- Facilitating the wide-scale implementation of PsyCARE results
K. Chevreul (AP-HP/Inserm)
Lunch Break
- 12:00 - 13:00
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Committees (Closed sessions; IPNP, Deborah Levy room, 4th floor):
- 12:55 - 13:00
- Welcome to the SAB members
MO Krebs (GHU Paris/Univ Paris/Inserm)
- 13:00 - 14:00
- Scientific Advisory Board
- free internal discussion about PsyCARE (only SAB member)
- 14:00 - 15:00
- Discussion between the SAB and the Steering Committee
- 15:00 - 16:00
- PsyCARE Steering Committee (scientific leaders of all partners)
MO Krebs (GHU Paris/Univ Paris/Inserm)
O. Kébir (GHU Paris/Inserm)
R. Jardri (CHRU Lille)
J. Charlet (Sorbonne Univ)
E. Duchesnay (CEA)
P. Boutinaud (Fealix)
E. Chevallier (Apycare)
L. Soriels (GHU Paris)
K. Chevreul (AP-HP/Inserm)